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New World Peace Talks

I feel like something is very off with the modern world. Almost as if…. We’ve been lied to. We’ve been duped. And… I am mortified. I’m sure you are too. How about we all get together and separate the facts from the fiction? How about we come together in unity instead of rioting, looting, and destroying each other. Isn’t that exactly the narrative that they’re trying to push? Isn’t that what we’re being force fed?

It’s time for solidarity. It’s time for the greater community to evoke the power of pow-wow. It’s time to assemble and assess. It’s time to link hands and move forward towards peace and the world's reconstruction. It’s time for the Tyranny to end. A time to remember peace, love, play, compassion and affirmative action. It’s time to heal, be real and examine the wounds of the society that has failed us all.

We trusted our leaders with our safety and well being. We trusted each other with our feelings, businesses and children. Our homes... and accomplishments. And now all of it is burning.

The current societal division is asphyxiating Me, and I Can’t Breathe. Racial Inequality disrupts the everyday lives of all races, of all people and of all nations. Super groups with dark interests are guiding the world in a seemingly apocalyptic direction. Thus it’s now up to we, the people to decide what’s next. It’s time to discuss the future of humankind as a sovereign species.

The New World Peace Talks


I’m asking you to join hands with the greater community and your local communities. I’m asking you to help me revitalize the economy. I’m asking you to support the reestablishment of harmony and in the institution of real equality. I’m asking you to help me remind our brothers and sisters how senseless violence is. Have we forgotten the examples of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr.? Have we forgotten the power of words and numbers? I hope not. Let’s talk it out.

The container for the event is a civic development and enrichment effort designed to educate communities, generate cross-cultural collisions for the exaltation of all, and to place action behind the needs and wants of the greater global community. Please help me create this dynamic space.

A Space For Families

All are welcomed.

  1. Men
  2. Women
  3. Children
  4. Families

A Space For Discussion

Topics for consideration and group discussion.

  1. New Secured Digital Voting Methods
  2. Legal Reform
  3. Community Address
  4. Community Grievances
  5. Community Repairs
  6. Police Brutality
  7. Police Sensitivity Training
  8. Inequality
  9. New Age Technology
  10. A New Kind of “Modern” Society
  11. A Conscious Economy
  12. Human Sovereignty

A Space To Link Hands

Community Created. Community Powered.

  1. Volunteers
  2. Co-Curators
  3. Speakers & Presenters
  4. Coders & Creatives
  5. Musicians
  6. Lawyers & Legal Advisors
  7. Makers & Machinists
  8. Conscious Collaborators

A Civic Development Space

Support your LOCAL community.

  1. Food Banks & Drives
  2. Community Resources
    1. Clothes
    2. Supplies
  3. Peer-To-Peer Education
  4. Workshops
  5. Training
  6. City Restoration Effort

A Healing Space

We’re ALL in this TOGETHER.

  1. Community Discussion
  2. Ethnic Awareness
  3. Singing
  4. Dancing
  5. Yoga
  6. Drum Circles
  7. Meditation
  8. Live Music

How YOU can help?

If you’re interested in co-creating or contributing to this event please declare your area(s) of expertise, and how you’d like to apply your super powers towards this event. Currently seeking assistance with volunteering, helping organize, curation of musicians, helping heal this globally traumatic experience and support for event functions. We’re currently seeking assistance in the Western United States of America from co-curators and community leaders. LET’S LINK HANDS.


What’s Step One?

Use the sign up form on this page to indicate how you’d like to link hands with us. Await a response from a CELESTIAL representative; the organizing collective. Designate whether you’d like to attend, contribute to the event or provide private land for us to peacefully assemble. Thereafter we'll be holding two Zoom Call Conferences on Friday June 5th. One at 12:00pm and the other at 8:00pm MST.

Where can I find this online?

You can join our facebook group and get into the conversation here. We ask that you help us keep this as a safe place online. Please always be considerate and respectful. We also ask that you build awareness about this event by using the hashtag #NWPT and leveraging the phrase... “I WANT A NEW WORLD” in order to sustain the continuity and awareness of this global effort.

What kind of world would you like for your children? Let’s heal this. We’re all in this together.

- The Dreamer


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