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NWPT Boulder, CO

Seeking Harmony & Balance: Inside & Out

Zan Kavanah, Jennifer Crystal Eve and myself are all teaming up to give a voice back to Boulder, CO. Colorado has been experiencing a great deal of polarity throughout these shifting times. Natives in Boulder, Aurora and Denver, CO are extremely concerned about access to resources, food, police brutality and making an effort to find their new normal post-pandemic.

Aurora, CO has been going through a great deal of turbulence in attempting to navigate a hostile police environment. They’ve been protesting avidly in regards to the mishandling of a previously closed court case surrounding a gentleman named Elijah McClain and his murder. This pushing of powers between the locals and the police department have been the birthing ground of much contention. How do we move forward in harmony...together?

Denver, CO natives are avidly seeking to discover what their new normal will look like, and how to regeneratively reboot their local economy through locally grown produce and alternative sustainable options. It would appear that locals are making the conscious effort to create, source and share healthy alternatives as best as they can. How can we scale these practices and conscious economic business models?

These and many other questions are awaiting YOUR answers Colorado. Thus the three of us are calling together the Colorado community to discuss, listen and learn. The Boulder, Colorado New World Peace Talk called Finding Harmony: Inside & Out will go into depth on how we can manage our internal and external energies to manifest a reality in favor of the highest good of all. Join the conversation.


Zan Kavanah

Super-connector, Entrepreneur, Artist, Boulder Resident, Lover of all things nature, Conscious Co-Creation Catalyst & Alchemist. Zan will be leading a mindful meditation in order to help us align with our deepest selves. Activating the light in all of us so that we may resolve our issues peacefully.

Jennifer Crystal Eve

Jen will be leading a discussion on how we can all balance the light and shadow inside of us in order to transform our hearts and our lives. Living from a heart-centered space we birth harmony and unity into the world. In 2009, at the beginning of her seeking journey, Jen attended her first Star Knowledge Conference in Farmington, New Mexico. The experience was incredibly activating and she discovered her love for ceremony and the teachings of the Symbols book, which quickly accelerated her Spiritual awakening. In 2014, Jen organized her first Star Knowledge Conference held in Loveland, Colorado and she lovingly continues to bring the Star Tribes together to gather and learn about the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creation with Chief Golden Light Eagle. Jen is also a Sundancer, Shadow Coach, and teacher of the Star Ways. At the Star Knowledge events you will see Jen speaking, moderating, and facilitating the Sacred Sisters Ceremony and teaching about the 13:13 Star Path in addition to welcoming you to the event!

Event Details:

  • August 13th, 2020 @ 6:00pm
  • Chautauqua Park
    Baseline Rd & 9th St, Boulder, CO 80302
  • Meditation begins @ 6:30pm
  • Peace Talk begins @ 6:55pm

Join The Conversation Online:

If you'd like to join this community conversation online please visit our Public Facebook Group called The New Earth Assembly. You can meet like minded individuals and collaborate on how we all can walk towards the new normal together. You are not alone.

Host A Peace Talk:

Would you like to bring New World Peace Talks to your hometown? Please reach out to me directly. We offer different event formats in order to accommodate the needs of your community. Alternatively if you'd like to request the Facilitation Guide you can find it here. We look forward to seeing you at the next New World Peace Talks event. Stay safe. Stay bold.


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